ChainLink SRM

Today’s economy thrives on the flow of vital information between businesses. ChainLink SRM is all about transferring business information between two business entities that need to send and manage data between them. We use the cloud to implement a private trading partner network that is safe, secure, and reliable, all while being customized to your specifications.

What can ChainLink SRM do for your business?

Connect trading partners around the globe moving information at the Speed of Business regardless of who or where they are and what data format you need to send.

  • Create supplier scorecards
  • Keep business partners tightly integrated but loosely coupled
  • Keep proprietary information secure
  • Eliminate 3rd-party browse capability
  • Add tracking and accountability to your multi-organization business process
  • Achieve business results that EDI could only dream about

Want more information on how to achieve actual Business to Anything (B2X) collaboration?

What can ChainLink SRM do for your business?

Connect trading partners around the globe moving information at the Speed of Business regardless of who or where they are and what data format you need to send.

  • Create supplier scorecards
  • Keep business partners tightly integrated but loosely coupled
  • Keep proprietary information secure
  • Eliminate 3rd-party browse capability
  • Add tracking and accountability to your multi-organization business process
  • Achieve business results that EDI could only dream about

Want more information on how to achieve actual Business to Anything (B2X) collaboration?