My Supplier Said to Me: New Specifications?

Scrable board that spells TEAMWORK for smoothly updating supplier specifications

On the tenth (work) day of Christmas my supplier said to me “oh… well, uh, when were those specifications issued?”  Changing specifications are just a fact of life in the world of manufacturing. In the software world we used to say, ‘requirements are like water; they are not firm unless frozen.’ Screw holes are moved, […]

The Family Supply Chain & B2B Collaboration Technology


The family supply chain has suffered a great deal during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020. Since the beginning of the safer at home orders, grocery store shelves, once completely full, now (at the time of this writing) have empty spaces where items necessary for the health of our families used to be. Even meat disappeared […]

Developing A Work From Home Workforce

Work From Home Workspace

Alternative Workspace is here to stay whether we like it or not, and well-defined and enforced business process is critical for maintaining a productive, well-connected virtual office.